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Latinlán is a Non Profit Organization that seeks to promote and revalue the cultural and environmental heritage of Latin America to promote development and welfare in vulnerable communities through the offer and promotion of their cultural goods and services within the framework of the Orange Economy and Ecofeminism.  We offer products from the heart;  cruelty-free products that tell stories and are made by surviving artisans women who  support their families.


  1. Justice. Fair Trade is Latinlán’s flagship; by practicing, divulging, and promoting fair trade, in Latinlán we work so that the communities are direct beneficiaries of commercializing their folkloric knowledge and culture.
  2. Respect. Latinlán’s policies, decisions and performance are framed within kindness, amiability, harmony and inclusion of all beings without distinction by race, religion, socioeconomic status, political affiliation, gender, age, species, sexual orientation or any other kind.  Our Vegan Handbags are child labor and animal cruelty free!!
  3. Joyfulness. The Latin joy and passion are part of Latinlán’s spirit. Happiness is a decision that results from a positive, grateful and joyful attitude towards what we are and what we do. Latinlán rejoices by greeting you.


Handmade, Fair Trade, the human and the divine, Greeting.

  1. Handmade. Symbolizes everything artisans and artists make by hand in Latin America.
  2. Fair trade.  Represents help, to give a hand up to the communities through our fair trade policies.
  3. The human. Latinlán’s hand represent human in its primitive dimension. Even though the use we gave our hands differentiated our evolution from all other species on the planet, let’s be reminded that the industrial and digital revolutions reduced crafts to a minimal expression in modern societies.
  4. The divine. It represents the divine because, the hand has always been a way for healing, blessings, and an amulet for protection in many cultures; in fact, its representations have been associated with a magical sense, divine or sacred: Greek Dactyls, Egyptian god Aton, the imposition of hands, the reiki, Fatima’s hand, the iberian figa, papal blessings, are all examples of it.
  5. Greeting. Represents the friendly and warmth greetings from Latin America to the world through Latinlán. Latin Americans are warm, amiable and solidary; there is no concept of personal space in our culture, touching, hugging, and kissing are all expressions of our warmth and appreciation.


Our logo is imbued with meaning; the hand, the name, the spiral, its colors: everything is a symbol of our Latin American origin and our purpose..


Para donaciones consignar en la Cuenta de Ahorros # 205035576 de Banco Itau, a nombre de Fundación Latinlan, NIT 900.963.095-6

With our hands, we create, give, receive, greet, touch, feel and heal. Our hands define us as a specie and as creative-healing-gods!!!