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Latinlán is a Non Profit Organization that seeks to promote and revalue the cultural and environmental heritage of Latin America to promote development and welfare in vulnerable communities through the offer and promotion of their cultural goods and services within the framework of the Orange Economy and Ecofeminism.  We offer products from the heart;  cruelty-free products that tell stories and are made by surviving artisans women who  support their families.


  •  Justice
  • Respect
  • Joyfulness.


Our logo is imbued with meaning; the hand, the name, the spiral, its colors: everything is a symbol of our Latin American origin and our purpose.

Latinlan´s Hand:  symbolizes hand made, the fair trade, the human, the divine and a warmth greeting from Latin America.  With our hands, we create, give, receive, greet, touch, feel and heal. Our hands define us as a specie and as creative-healing-gods!!!


Latinlán refers to the way the expression “Latinland” is pronounced and written with a latin accent, and its literal translation is “Tierra Latina”.   Latinlán wants to show the Latin American culture to the world, revolutionizing it so that artisan communities can live with dignity from their artistry and can be proud of their culture and traditions.