We have created a reality of poverty and inequality in the planet: The poorest half of the world’s population (more than 3000 million people) have the same wealth as the world’s 85 richest people, 9.6% of the world’s population is extremely poor, and subsists on less than $1.90 per day. This translates into millions of people living without access to water, food and education, many of whom are exploited and / or discriminated against for some reason.
Fair trade is an alternative in which trade and production are at the service of primary producers, poorer and not the exclusive economic benefit of multinationals and traders. It emerged in Europe in the 1960s in response to some sectors’ concerns regarding the conditions of production and marketing of certain products and the huge inequality between rich and poor countries.
Fair trade guarantees fair payments and decent working conditions free of discrimination, exploitation or child labor, that is why Latinlán is committed to the practice and promotion of Fair Trade and its principles in Latin America.
Fair Trade Principles
Principle 1. Creating Opportunities for Economically Disadvantaged Producers. Latinlán is supportive and empathetic with the circumstances of artisans and communities, and represents an opportunity for artisans who are victims of violence in the Montes de María to market their products in the international market, generating income and welfare.
Principle 2. Transparency and Responsibility. Latinlán is:
- Respectful and honest in their business and work relations.
- Diligent with their commitments and responsibilities.
Principle 3. Fair Business Practices. Latinlán provides the craftsmen a 50% prepayment so that they can elaborate their products, it supplies some of the raw materials and it is punctual with their payments. Latinlán offers artists and craftsmen an important marketing and logistics infrastructure that allows artisans to access the global market, and invests its resources in supporting craftsmen in their personal and collective projects, aiding their own development and wellness.
Principle 4. Payment of a Fair Price. Latinlán pays about 20% more to the artisans for their products and we recognize equal payments to equal work without any kind of discrimination.
Latinlán markets products at an international level at fair prices, recognizing the great artisan value of our products, but also taking into account the conditions of international trade for similar goods.
Principle 5. No to Child Labor and Forced Labor. Latinlán complies with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Although historically, the artisan tradition in San Jacinto has been transmitted from generation to generation at an early age, the children do not participate in the elaboration and commercialization of the products. Children are children and must be nurtured, educated and fully developed. When you buy Latinlán Products, you help artisans in Latin America to offer better living conditions for their children and grandchildren. Our products are free from forced labor, child labor and animal cruelty.
Principle 6. Commitment to Non-Discrimination, Gender Equality and Freedom of Association. Latinlán’s trade and labor relations are free from discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation. Latinlán offers a marketing space to support groups of artisans associated in cooperatives, respecting their right of association and autonomy.
Principle 7. Ensure good working conditions. Most of Latinlán’s work is done from home. Our products are 100% made in the workshop of the craftsman or artist, which is usually at his/her home; and those who work in marketing and logistics also do it from our own home, studio or office. That is why, for Latinlán, it is important that artisans and employees live in decent conditions, and that motivates us to be a source of income for many people!!!
Principle 8. Capacity Development. Latinlán is an opportunity for the development and well-being of the people who work with the Foundation, both artisans and employees. This project aims to boost the development of skills and capabilities of all involved.
Principle 9. Fair Trade Encouragement. We use honest advertising and marketing techniques and are transparent about our organization, our products and our artisans and communities.
Latinlán loves the global initiative of Fair Trade and wants to be certified internationally on it; therefore, it is already committed to the practice and dissemination of this solidary and fair alternative for commercial activities.
If you want to know a little more about fair trade internationally, we suggest the following videos of short duration.
Principle 10. Respect for the environment. Our products are made with environmentally friendly standards and without animal cruelty